Quotes about Christianity
Christianity teaches righteousness, not rights. It emphasizes honor, not equality. A Christian's concern is what is owed to the other, not what is owed to himself.
- Elisabeth Elliot
A Christian sees all men as made in the image of God. All are sinners too, which means that the image is marred, but it is a divine image nonetheless, capable of redemption and therefore to be held in honor.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Nothing has done more damage to the Christian view of life than the hideous notion that those who are truly spiritual have lost all interest in the world and its beauties.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Although I have not found intellectual satisfaction, I have found peace. The answer I say to you is not an explanation but a person, Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God.
- Elisabeth Elliot
The real question we need to face is exactly what a Christian is supposed to do when terrible things happen. There are two choices, and only two: We can trust God or we can defy Him. We believe that God is God, He's still got the whole world in His hands and knows exactly what He's doing, or we must believe that He is not God and we are at the awful mercy of mere chance.
- Elisabeth Elliot
God is in the business of making us walking, breathing examples of the invisible reality of the presence of Christ in us.
- Elisabeth Elliot
We had a little brass plate over the front doorbell that said "Christ is the head of this home, the unseen guest at every meal, the silent listener to every conversation.
- Elisabeth Elliot
According to the New Testament, saints are those who belong to Christ, in whom Christ lives. We are meant to be saints not only when we get to heaven, but right here in this world.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Only one life, it will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.
- Elizabeth George
When we view ourselves through the lens of God's Word, we better understand God's love for us and the worth we have in His eyes.
- Elizabeth George
God values Christian character, which shines in positive, outward conduct. Fashion your heart after Jesus.
- Elizabeth George
Material blessings fade and deteriorate, but your riches in Christ are everlasting.
- Elizabeth George