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Quotes about Christianity

Christianity has been successfully attacked and marginalized… because those who professed belief were unable to defend the faith from attack, even though its attackers' arguments were deeply flawed.
- William Wilberforce
What a difference it would be if our system of morality were based on the Bible instead of the standards devised by cultural Christians.
- William Wilberforce
Servile, and base, and mercenary, is the notion of Christian practice among the bulk of nominal Christians. They give no more than they dare not with-hold; they abstain from nothing but what they must not practise.
- William Wilberforce
Carefully studying the Bible will reveal to us our own ignorance of these things. It will challenge us to reject a superficial understanding of Christianity and impress on us that it is imperative not to simply be religious or moral, but also to master the Bible intellectually, integrate its principles into our lives morally, and put into action what we have learned practically.
- William Wilberforce
The instructive admonitions, "give an account of thy stewardship,"—"occupy till I come;" are forgotten. Thus the generous and wakeful spirit of Christian Benevolence, seeking and finding every where occasions for its exercise, is exploded, and a system of decent selfishness is avowedly established in its stead; a system scarcely more to be abjured for its impiety, than to be abhorred for its cold insensibility to the opportunities of diffusing happiness.
- William Wilberforce
The result is that in the Christian world in the West, we settle for a cultural version of Christianity that is far from the real thing.
- William Wilberforce
Christianity itself has been too often disgraced. It has been turned into an engine of cruelty, and amidst the bitterness of persecution, every trace has disappeared of the mild and beneficent spirit of the religion of Jesus.
- William Wilberforce
We must be serious about church growth if we are concerned about the future of the Church of Jesus Christ. Church growth is not just another fad. Jesus came to build a Church, and that Church has been asleep until now. It is waking up! Any church that wakes up is going to grow.
- David Yonggi Cho
Anyone who endeavors to be a Christian will soon find his intelligence being sharpened. You are embarking on something that is going to take the whole of you, brains and all.
- CS Lewis
Those who fall away have never been thoroughly imbued with the knowledge of Christ but only had a slight and passing taste of it.
- John Calvin
Christ is sufficient. We do not need support groups for each and every separate tribulation. The most widely divergent sorrows may all be taken to the foot of the same old rugged cross and find there cleansing, peace, and joy.
- Elisabeth Elliot
The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman.
- Elisabeth Elliot