Quotes about Christianity
All of my children are ideologically and politically in sync with me, they all have authentic Christian faith. It's something I'm very grateful for.
- Mike Huckabee
The door of the visible church is incomparably wider than the door of heaven (522)[.]
- Richard Baxter
Do you think none shall be saved but puritans(89)?
- Richard Baxter
Convince them what a contradiction it is to be a Christian and yet to refuse to learn. For what is a Christian but a disciple of Christ, and how can he be his disciple if he refuses to be taught by him? He who refuses to be taught by his ministers refuses to be taught by Christ. He will not come down from heaven again to teach them by his own mouth, but he has appointed his ministers to keep school and to teach those under him.
- Richard Baxter
Seriousness is the very thing wherein consisteth our sincerity. If thou art not serious, thou art not a Christian (279).
- Richard Baxter
He may be a Christian by common profession; but, in a saving sense, no man is a Christian, in whose soul any thing hath a greater and higher interest than God the Father, and the Mediator (352).
- Richard Baxter
The strongest Christian is unsafe among occasions to sin (519).
- Richard Baxter
The universal church of Christ must consist of individual churches guided by their own overseers, and every Christian must be a member of one of these churches (except those who are away on business or travel or are in other similar cases of necessity). Though a minister is an officer in the universal church, yet in a special manner he is the overseer of that particular church committed to his charge.
- Richard Baxter
Does Christianity merely mean we must forfeit our Sunday mornings to church attendance, or does being a Christian noticeably improve our lives?
- Richard Blackaby
It is almost impossible to fall in love with majesty, power, or perfection. These make us fearful and codependent, but seldom truly loving. On some level, love can only happen between equals, and vulnerability levels the playing field. What Christians believe is that God somehow became our equal when he became the human Jesus, a name that is, without doubt, the vulnerable name for God.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
organized religion is no longer good news for most people, but bad news indeed. It set us up for the massive atheism, agnosticism, hedonism, and secularism we now see in almost all formerly Christian countries.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The New Testament called it salvation or enlightenment, the Twelve Step Program called it recovery. The trouble is that most Christians pushed this great liberation off into the next world, and many Twelve Steppers settled for mere sobriety from a substance instead of a real transformation of the self. We have all been the losers, as a result—waiting around for "enlightenment at gunpoint" (death) instead of enjoying God's banquet much earlier in life.
- Fr. Richard Rohr