Quotes about Christianity
Consolidating power and merely delegating responsibilities are sufficient ways to maintain a single community, but they are terrible ways to exponentially reproduce Christian community. Movements occur only when the disempowered are given the freedom and responsibility to lead, along with the accountability to make it happen.
- Ed Stetzer
Community is essential when it comes to successfully living out the Christian walk in a day-to-day context. So the math is simple: More community = More disciples Understanding the nature of groups helps you.
- Ed Stetzer
God is not the source of any form of worship that does not exalt and lift up the name of Jesus!
- Ed Stetzer
But too many Christians are content in their own salvation and allow an ethnocentric provincialism to dismiss the imperative of God's mission to the nations.
- Ed Stetzer
Everything created in the world should be seen in the context of existing for God's glory.
- Ed Stetzer
it's not enough for Christians merely to recognize that the world isn't what it ought to be and that people are suffering in ways they shouldn't have to suffer." Instead, our "sorrow and indignation" should prompt us to act in ways that "subvert" that brokenness.
- Ed Stetzer
A mature Christian recognizes that correcting every wrong on the Internet would take more hours than a full-time job. If you snap every time your great-aunt's friend's cousin thrice-removed makes a snarky comment about "all the contradictions in the Bible," it will consume you and your joy.
- Ed Stetzer
No longer representative of the dominant culture, Christians need to rethink the way we understand cultural engagement, mission, and evangelism in a newly post-Christian society.
- Ed Stetzer
True humility--the basis of the Christian system--is the low but deep and firm foundation of all virtues.
- Edmund Burke
I sing of a maidenThat is makeless;King of all kingsTo her son she ches.
- Anonymous
He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
- Anonymous
Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- Anonymous