Quotes about Christianity
The Acts has so much to say to our half-hearted and cold-blooded Christianity in the western world. It rebukes our preoccupation with buildings and ministerial pedigree, our syncretism and pluralism, our lack of expectancy and vibrant faith. As such it is a book supremely relevant for our time.
- Michael Green
in this book I want to address a question that I think is commonly in the minds of Christian people when they read the Acts of the Apostles: what can we learn from these people who turned the world upside down in so short a space of time?
- Michael Green
Far from being a way to achieve success, ease, and comfort, Christianity calls us to live a life that forgets self and focuses on being God's instrument to show his love to others.
- Michael Smith
charisma in the Christian sense.
- Michael Wolff
In Christianity, God has promised to avenge attacks against His people. We trust the One who said, "Vengeance is mine; I will repay" (Romans 12:19 KJV)—but to the Muslim mind, this makes us look like cowards. In Islam, it's the opposite: the people are commanded to punish insults to the honor of Allah and Muhammad.
- Michael Youssef
The Christian message is not an inclusive message that embraces all religions; it's not a message that there are many paths to the same place. The Christian message is summed up in the brave words of Peter before the Sanhedrin: "Jesus is 'the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.' Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:11—12).
- Michael Youssef
If people can be saved and accepted by God the Father apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross, then why was He crucified?
- Michael Youssef
To be a genuine Christian, you must believe the claims of Christ.
- Michael Youssef
Genuine biblical Christianity does not impose itself on unwilling people at the point of a sword. If you choose to reject Jesus, you're perfectly free to do so.
- Michael Youssef
Christianity is concerned with the unfolding of the Kingdom of God in the world, not the longevity of organizations.
- Mike Breen
All of my children are ideologically and politically in sync with me, they all have authentic Christian faith. It's something I'm very grateful for.
- Mike Huckabee
The best way is to say that as a Christian for me the essence of Christian faith is that you treat others as if you wish to be treated.
- Mike Huckabee