Quotes about Avoidance
I actively avoided responsibility for as long as I possibly could.
- David Walton
The thing is, the only real sign of life is growth. And growth requires pain. So to choose life is to accept pain. Some people go to such lengths to avoid pain that they give up on life. They bury their hearts, or they drug or drink themselves numb until they don't' feel anything anymore. The irony is, in the end their escape becomes more painful than what they're avoiding.
- Richard Paul Evans
Comparison may be a natural thing everybody does, but people in leadership and in helping ministries need to avoid it at all costs because it feeds either insecurity or pride, not humility and trust in God.
- Zig Ziglar
Blame is a change-avoidance strategy.
- Andy Stanley
impassivity and a good flow of life are not attained except through unerring desire and unfailing avoidance
- Epictetus
A daydream is an evasion.
- Thomas Merton
When you try to avoid the pain, it creates greater pain.
- Jennifer Aniston
We numb our pain through denial, blaming, rationalizations, addictions, and avoidance.
- Peter Scazzero
Jesus shows us that healthy Christians do not avoid conflict. His life was filled with it! He was in regular conflict with the religious leaders, the crowds, the disciples—even his own family. Out of a desire to bring true peace, Jesus disrupted the false peace all around him. He refused to spiritualize conflict avoidance.
- Peter Scazzero
We view conflict as a sign that something is wrong, so we do whatever we can to avoid it. We prefer to ignore difficult issues and settle for a false peace, hoping our difficulties will somehow disappear on their own. They don't.
- Peter Scazzero
It is best to avoid the beginnings of evil.
- Henry David Thoreau
The wise man avoids evil by anticipating it.
- Publilius Syrus