Quotes about Sabotage
But when you're insecure, your greatest asset becomes your greatest threat. Comparison will sabotage your destiny by undermining your integrity.
- Mark Batterson
I do not deny that I planned sabotage. I did not plan it in a spirit of recklessness nor because I have any love of violence. I planned it as a result of a calm and sober assessment of the political situation that had arisen after many years of tyranny, exploitation and oppression of my people by the whites.
- Nelson Mandela
But while everyone was asleep, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and slipped away.
- Matthew 13:25
More than forty of them were involved in this plot.
- Acts 23:13
The enemy) laughs at your attempts to fix your own issues with timely words and hard work - tactics that might affect matters for a moment but can't begin to touch his underhanded, cunning efforts down where the root issues lie.
- Priscilla Shirer
Our smaller stories are constructed along the plot lines of control and gratification. Once we begin to live by this false self, Satan and his minions sabotage the story to make sure we are exposed. Then he mocks us for our foolishness and hypocrisy for hiding behind such a facade in the first place. Other times, he simply leaves us to die in costume.
- John Eldredge
Find some disgruntled member, whisper a lie in his ear and he will wreak havoc in your church.
- Neil Anderson
Let this matter be settled once and for all. Know that nothing and no one, including you, can sabotage your salvation.
- Beth Moore
By extension, anyone who liked smelling the daisies, and having daisies to smell, and eating mercury-free fish, and who objected to giving birth to three-eyed infants via the toxic sludge in their drinking water was a demon-possessed Satanic minion of darkness, hell-bent on sabotaging the American Way and God's Holy Oil, which were one and the same.
- Margaret Atwood
Live performance had suffered in the sabotage panics of the early twenty-first century — no one during those decades had wanted to form part of a large group at a public event in a dark, easily destructible walled space, or no one with any cool or status.
- Margaret Atwood
Withholding love is a form of self-sabotage, as what we withhold from others, we are withholding from ourselves.
- Marianne Williamson