Quotes about Vincent
The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic that to love others.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Painting as it is now promises to become more subtle - more like music and less like sculpture - and above all it promises color. If only it keeps this promise.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Let us keep courage and try to be patient and gentle. And let us not mind being eccentric, and make distinction between good and evil.
- Vincent Van Gogh
It always strikes me, and it is very peculiar, that, whenever we see the image of indescribable and unutterable desolation—of loneliness, poverty, and misery, the end and extreme of things—the thought of God comes into one's mind.
- Vincent Van Gogh
I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.
- Vincent Van Gogh
The more I think it over, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.
- Vincent Van Gogh
The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Love is the best and the noblest thing in the human heart, especially when it is tested by life as gold is tested by fire.
- Vincent Van Gogh
The clergymen call us sinners, conceived and born in sin. Bah! What confounded nonsense that is. Is it a sin to love, to feel the need for love, not to be able to live without love? I consider a life without love a sinful and immoral state.
- Vincent Van Gogh
I thought of the lines, 'And come the evening of my life, Worn out with care and strife I will, For each day granted me on earth, The air with praises to Thee fill.' Goodbye, a handshake in my thoughts, Your very loving brother Vincent
- Vincent Van Gogh
the fear of madness passes from me considerably upon seeing from close at hand those who are affected with it, as I may very easily be in the future.
- Vincent Van Gogh
The more I think it over, the more I feel that is is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.
- Vincent Van Gogh