Quotes about Cooperation
Safety and happiness can only come from individuals, classes, and nations being honest and fair and kind to each other.
- CS Lewis
Your ability to get along well with others will determine your happiness and success as much as any other factor.
- Brian Tracy
No government can help the destinies of people who insist in putting sectional and class consciousness ahead of general weal.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
That home is most beautiful in which you find each person striving to serve the other.
- David O. McKay
There is one ray of hope. It seems to me that today the responsible leaders of the several peoples have, in the main, the honest will to abolish war.
- Albert Einstein
War is a defeat for humanity.
- Pope John Paul II
But I also made it clear to him [Vladimir Putin] that it's important to think beyond the old days of when we had the concept that if we blew each other up, the world would be safe.
- George W. Bush
If we mean to support the liberty and independence which has cost us so much blood and treasure to establish, we must drive far away the demon of party spirit and local reproach.
- George Washington
To act collectively is according to the spirit of our institutions.
- Henry David Thoreau
Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another.
- Desmond Tutu
We must learn that passively to accept an unjust system is to cooperate with that system, and thereby to become a participant in its evil.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Mankind's greatest achievements have come about by talking and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn't have to be like this.
- Stephen Hawking