Quotes about Cooperation
Today it's "us versus them" in America. Politics is little more than blood sport. As a result, our willingness to believe the worst about everyone outside our own bubble is growing, and our ability to solve problems and seize opportunities is shrinking.
- Bill Clinton
Think of how much more rewarding it would be if we all came to work every day asking, Who can we help today and how can we do it? instead of Who can I hurt and how much coverage can I get for it?
- Bill Clinton
We can not build our own future without helping others build theirs.
- Bill Clinton
We all do better when we work together. Our differences do matter, but our common humanity matters more than having affairs with our wives." ? Bill Clinton
- Bill Clinton
It is impossible for any one church to do it all.
- Bill Hybels
Anyone who seeks to be involved in politics should join hands with America.
- Muqtada al Sadr
No government can help the destinies of people who insist in putting sectional and class consciousness ahead of general weal.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
When God looks at our world, God must weep. God must weep because the lust for power has entrapped and corrupted the human spirit. In the news and even in our families and ourselves we see that instead of gratitude there is resentment, instead of forgiveness there is revenge, instead of healing there is wounding, instead of compassion there is competition, instead of cooperation there is violence, and instead of love there is immense fear.
- Henri Nouwen
I do not wish to quarrel with any man or nation. I do not wish to split hairs, to make fine distinctions, or set myself up as better than my neighbors. I seek rather, I may say, even an excuse for conforming to the laws of the land. I am but too ready to conform to them.
- Henry David Thoreau
If a man has faith, he will co-operate with equal faith everywhere; if he has not faith, he will continue to live like the rest of the world, whatever company he is joined to.
- Henry David Thoreau
It's a mutual, joint-stock world, in all meridians. We cannibals must help these Christians.
- Herman Melville