Quotes about Cooperation
Using intimidation builds weakness because it reinforces dependence on external factors to get things done. When fear replaces cooperation, both people involved become more illogical and
- Stephen Covey
Anything less than Win/Win in an interdependent reality is a poor second best that will have impact in the long-term relationship.
- Stephen Covey
I am physically interdependent, I am self-reliant and capable, but I also realize that you and I working together can accomplish far more than, even at my best, I could accomplish alone.
- Stephen Covey
Dependence is the paradigm of you—you take care of me; you come through for me; you didn't come through; I blame you for the results. Independence is the paradigm of I—I can do it; I am responsible; I am self-reliant; I can choose. Interdependence is the paradigm of we—we can do it; we can cooperate; we can combine our talents and abilities and create something greater together.
- Stephen Covey
But borrowing strength builds weakness. It builds weakness in the borrower because it reinforces dependence on external factors to get things done. It builds weakness in the person forced to acquiesce, stunting the development of independent reasoning, growth, and internal discipline. And finally, it builds weakness in the relationship. Fear replaces cooperation, and both people involved become more arbitrary and defensive.
- Stephen Covey
you want to have a more pleasant, cooperative teenager, be a more understanding, empathic, consistent, loving parent.
- Stephen Covey
It says if you want to have a happy marriage, be the kind of person who generates positive energy and sidesteps negative energy rather than empowering it. If you want to have a more pleasant, cooperative teenager, be a more understanding, empathic, consistent, loving parent. If you want to have more freedom, more latitude in your job, be a more responsible, a more helpful, a more contributing employee. If you want to be trusted, be trustworthy.
- Stephen Covey
Family itself is a "we" experience, a "we" mentality. And admittedly, the movement from "me" to "we"—from independence to interdependence—is perhaps one of the most challenging and difficult aspects of family life.
- Stephen Covey
If you want to have a more pleasant, cooperative teenager, be a more understanding, empathic, consistent, loving parent.
- Stephen Covey
Borrowing strength builds weakness. It builds weakness in the borrower because it reinforces dependence on external factors to get things done. It builds weakness in the person forced to acquiesce, stunting the development of independent reasoning, growth, and internal discipline. And finally, it builds weakness in the relationship. Fear replaces cooperation, and both people involved become more arbitrary and defensive.
- Stephen Covey
Business is a primary arrangement on God's part for people to love one another and serve one another.
- Dallas Willard
If men would consider not so much wherein they differ, as wherein they agree, there would be far less of uncharitableness and angry feeling.
- Joseph Addison