Quotes about Cooperation
The spirit of forgiveness should prevail, and there should be tolerance and understanding among all political parties for us to move forward.
- Roy Bennett
With European powers no new subjects of difficulty have arisen, and those which were under discussion, although not terminated, do not present a more unfavorable aspect for the future preservation of that good understanding which it has ever been our desire to cultivate.
- Martin Van Buren
The lifting up of the woman does not require the tearing down of the man. In fact, a strong woman appreciates a strong man. Conversely, a strong man is not intimidated by a strong woman.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Man is endowed by nature with organic relations to his fellow men; and natural impulse prompts him to consider the needs of others even when they compete with his own.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
We were born to unite with our fellow men, and to join in community with the human race.
- Cicero
Men have never been individually self-sufficient.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
There is no escape - man drags man down, or man lifts man up.
- Booker T. Washington
If men would consider not so much wherein they differ, as wherein they agree, there would be far less of uncharitableness and angry feeling in the world.
- Joseph Addison
The government is us; we are the government, you and I.
- Theodore Roosevelt
There is not a man of us who does not at times need a helping hand to be stretched out to him, and then shame upon him who will not stretch out the helping hand to his brother.
- Theodore Roosevelt
This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Let the watchwords of all our people be the old familiar watchwords of honesty, decency, fair-dealing, and commonsense."... "We must treat each man on his worth and merits as a man. We must see that each is given a square deal, because he is entitled to no more and should receive no less.""The welfare of each of us is dependent fundamentally upon the welfare of all of us.
- Theodore Roosevelt