Quotes about Luck
Fortune truly helps those who are of good judgment.
- Euripides
I'm quite lucky, because I've got a small, decorative concrete pig.
- Bill Bailey
The good parts of a book may be only something a writer is lucky enough to overhear or it may be the wreck of his whole damn life and one is as good as the other.
- Ernest Hemingway
Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while.
- Steven Pressfield
If you know what you want to do, as I always loved musicals, and then to have been lucky enough to be successful with them, I think that's all you can ask isn't it? I think I don't really think too much about it. I am a bit shy socially, yeah, I admit that.
- Andrew Lloyd Webber
Even Fortune herself has had an adverse fortune.
- St. Augustine
And I saw that truly nothing happens by accident or luck, but everything by God's wise providence. If it seems to be accident or luck from our point of view, our blindness and lack of foreknowledge is the cause; for matters that have been in God's foreseeing wisdom since before time began befall us suddenly, all unawares; and so in our blindness and ignorance we say that this is accident or luck, but to our Lord God it is not so.
- Julian of Norwich
Our lives are in God's hands. We have no control. We can't control Him by using the Bible or cross as a good luck charm without a thorough reformation of heart and life.
- TB Joshua
I have frequently noticed how circumstances conspire to help a man, or a boy, when he has thoroughly resolved on doing a thing.
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich
I did not give him a straight answer, because saying what you really want out loud brings bad luck, and then the good thing will never happen. It might not happen anyway, but just to make sure, you should be careful about saying what you want or even wanting anything, as you may be punished for it.
- Margaret Atwood
There's a moon now, almost full. Good luck for owls; bad luck for rabbits, who often choose to cavort riskily but sexily in the moonlight, their brains buzzing with pheromones.
- Margaret Atwood
You seem to me to be a pretty lucky young man; keep your eyes open to your mercies. That part of piety is eternal; and the man who forgets to be grateful has fallen asleep in life.
- Robert Louis Stevenson