Quotes about Tumors
The LORD will afflict you with the boils of Egypt, with tumors and scabs and itch from which you cannot be cured.
- Deuteronomy 28:27
Now the hand of the LORD was heavy on the people of Ashdod and its vicinity, ravaging them and afflicting them with tumors.
- 1 Samuel 5:6
But after they had moved the ark to Gath, the LORD’s hand was also against that city, throwing it into great confusion and afflicting the men of the city, both young and old, with an outbreak of tumors.
- 1 Samuel 5:9
Those who did not die were afflicted with tumors, and the outcry of the city went up to heaven.
- 1 Samuel 5:12
“What guilt offering should we send back to Him?” asked the Philistines. “Five gold tumors and five gold rats,” they said, “according to the number of rulers of the Philistines, since the same plague has struck both you and your rulers.
- 1 Samuel 6:4
Make images of your tumors and of the rats that are ravaging the land. Give glory to the God of Israel, and perhaps He will lift His hand from you and your gods and your land.
- 1 Samuel 6:5
Then they put the ark of the LORD on the cart, along with the chest containing the gold rats and the images of the tumors.
- 1 Samuel 6:11