Quotes about Ugliness
They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own—not of the same blood or birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine.
- Marcus Aurelius
If it hurts and you feel sick and it's making you ugly, take this, from HelthWyzer; if you're ugly and it hurts and you feel sick about it, take that, from AnooYoo.
- Margaret Atwood
Expenditure—like ugliness and errors—becomes a totally new thing when we attach our own personality to it, and measure it by that wide difference which is manifest (in our own sensations) between ourselves and others.
- George Eliot
It is wonderful how much uglier things will look when we only suspect that we are blamed for them
- George Eliot
so much that seems to me a consecration of ugliness rather than beauty.
- George Eliot
Sin's outcome is eternal misery. What infinite ugliness then must be the ugliness of sin. This is the constant subject of preaching, for this is what we must ever overcome. It is more serious than Satan and sickness and insanity. None of those can damn a soul. Only sin can damn. This we must defeat in preaching, or all is in vain. Flippancy in and around our preaching communicates to people that sin is not as serious as the Bible says it is.
- John Piper
I have caught a glimpse of the faces of several Moorish women (for they are only human, and will expose their faces for the admiration of a Christian dog when no male Moor is by), and I am full of veneration for the wisdom that leads them to cover up such atrocious ugliness.
- Mark Twain
Let's be gods. Let's be ugly.
- Ayn Rand
God sometimes uses ugly vessels to carry beautiful things.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
It had been so ugly, and Walter hated ugliness.
- LM Montgomery
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone.
- Anonymous
We cannot know the whole truth, which belongs to God alone, but our task nevertheless is to seek to know what is true. And if we offend gravely enough against what we know to be true, as by failing badly enough to deal affectionately and responsibly with our land and our neighbors, truth will retaliate with ugliness, poverty, and disease.
- Wendell Berry