Quotes about Celebrity
I've never had that much trouble with the paparazzi, but I don't run the same circles that a lot of these people that do get hounded by the paparazzi.
- Dolly Parton
Celebrity seems totally at odds with authentic community and honest, real sorts of relationships.
- Rob Bell
A pastor friend of mine said, "Our problem is that we no longer have martyrs. We only have celebrities.
- Shane Claiborne
Celebrity was a long time in coming it will go away. Everything goes away.
- Carol Burnett
And even the greatest actions of a celebrated person labour under this disadvantage, that however surprising and extraordinary they may be, they are no more than what are expected from him; but on the contrary, if they fall any thing below the opinion that is conceived of him, though they might raise the reputation of another, they are a diminution to his.
- Joseph Addison
Besides, now that everyone could vote from home, via the OASIS, the only people who could get elected were movie stars, reality TV personalities, or radical televangelists.
- Ernest Cline
The once-great country into which I'd been born now resembled its former self in name only. It didn't matter who was in charge. Those people were rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic and everyone knew it. Besides, now that everyone could vote from home, via the OASIS, the only people who could get elected were movie stars, reality TV personalities
- Ernest Cline
I didn't want to be a religious professional whose identity was institutionalized. I didn't want to be a pastor whose sense of worth derived from whether people affirmed or ignored me. In short, I didn't want to be a pastor in the ways that were most in evidence and most rewarded in the American consumerist and celebrity culture.
- Eugene Peterson
I'm not an icon. Not even in America.
- John Mayer
I know very well the difference between my image and who I am.
- Monica Bellucci
I feel sorry for James Blunt, he has to wake up every morning and think 'Oh my God, I'm James Blunt, what have I done?'
- Bill Bailey
If people see me having dinner with a beautiful woman, they immediately believe that I'm having a love affair with her. Of course that's rubbish. I'm not a playboy!
- George Clooney