Quotes about Celebrity
Only the public can make a star. It's the studios who try to make a system out of it.
- Marilyn Monroe
Trump, in a smart move, picked up his media reputation and relocated it from a hypercritical New York to a more value-free Hollywood, becoming the star of his own reality show, The Apprentice, and embracing a theory that would serve him well during his presidential campaign: in flyover country, there is no greater asset than celebrity. To be famous is to be loved—or at least fawned over.
- Michael Wolff
The kick in the teeth with fame is, when you don't have it, you beat yourself up for it because you don't have it, but when you have it, you are miserable and kill yourself for it.
- Moby
Now there is fame! Of all -- hunger, misery, the incomprehension by the public -- fame is by far the worst. It is the castigation of God by the artist. It is sad. It is true.
- Pablo Picasso
She's got electric boots, a mohair suit, you know I read it in a magazine.
- Elton John
Celebrity doesn't have anything to do with art or craft. It's about being rich and thinking that you're better than everybody else.
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
If I'm signing autographs and I see one hundred people in a line I've got to remind myself, "That person is one one-hundredth of my day, but to them I'm their day." You know what I mean? Unless they meet J.Lo later on.
- Clay Aiken
You know, people make a lot of money talking about me, don't they?
- Hillary Clinton
I would say Karan Patel's vanity van is my favourite hangout spot.
- Sangram Singh
If I close my eyes and think of Hollywood, all I see is one big varicose vein.
- Marilyn Monroe
Anybody who instantly goes from being a poet and a graduate student to being a public figure has to be in a state of shock. First people want to praise you, and then they want to attack you. No one can prepare you for it.
- Erica Jong
Being continually in people?s sight, by the satiety which it creates, diminishes the reverence felt for great characters.
- Livy