Quotes about Victories
there are quiet victories and struggles, great sacrifices of self, and noble acts of heroism, in it - even in many of its apparent lightnesses and contradictions - not the less difficult to achieve, because they have no earthly chronicle or audience - done every day in nooks and corners, and in little households, and in men's and women's hearts - any one of which might reconcile the sternest man to such a world, and fill him with belief and hope in it
- Charles Dickens
I must tell you a great truth, Much-Afraid, which only the few understand. All the fairest beauties in the human soul, its greatest victories, and its most splendid achievements are always those which no one else knows anything about, or can only dimly guess at. Every inner response of the human heart to Love and every conquest over self-love is a new flower on the tree of Love.
- Hannah Hurnard
I've had so many ups and downs in my career. When it's going good, you learn to enjoy the ride.
- Ryan Fitzpatrick
Behind the smokehouse that summer, Ringo and I had a living map. Although Vicksburg was just a handful of chips from the woodpile and the River a trench scraped into the packed earth with the point of a hoe, it (river, city, and terrain) lived, possessing even in miniature that ponderable though massive recalcitrance of topography which outweighs artillery, against which the most brilliant of victories and the most tragic of defeats are but the loud noises of the moment.
- William Faulkner
Let us ever remember that our interest is in concord, not in conflict; and that our real eminence rests in the victories of peace, not those of war.
- William McKinley
Victories that are cheap are cheap. Those only are worth having which come as the result of hard fighting.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Peace hath her victories, no less renowned than War.
- John Milton
The Northern press, as a whole, did not discourage these claims; a portion of it always magnified rebel success and belittled ours, while another portion, most sincerely earnest in their desire for the preservation of the Union and the overwhelming success of the Federal armies, would nevertheless generally express dissatisfaction with whatever victories were gained because they
- Ulysses S. Grant
Private victories precede public victories. You can't invert that process any more than you can harvest a crop before you plant it. It's inside-out.
- Stephen Covey
Private victories precede public victories, that making and keeping promises to ourselves precedes making and keeping promises to others.
- Stephen Covey
Out of his private victories, public victories began to come.
- Stephen Covey
private victories precede public victories, that making and keeping promises to ourselves precedes making and keeping promises to others. It says it is futile to put personality ahead of character, to try to improve relationships with others before improving ourselves.
- Stephen Covey