Quotes about Unfathomable
But the secret counsel of God is something else. It is so deep and so high that no exploration can attain to it.
- John Calvin
The universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest.
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Remember, mystery isn't something that you cannot understand—it is something that you can endlessly understand! There is no point at which you can say, "I've got it." Always and forever, mystery gets you!
- Fr. Richard Rohr
What can't be known or named except in our feeble attempt to clothe it in language.
- Joseph Campbell
God is predictably unpredictable.
- RT Kendall
Having refuted, then, as well as we could, every notion which might suggest that we were to think of God as in any degree corporeal, we go on to say that, according to strict truth, God is incomprehensible, and incapable of being measured.
- Origen
For man as an historical creature has desires of indeterminate dimensions.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
God is gracious beyond the power of language to describe.
- Francis Asbury
The grace of God is infinite and beyond our ability to measure. His grace has no beginning and therefore no end.
- AW Tozer
You can't analyze God. He is too awesome, too big, too mysterious.
- CS Lewis
Truly, God works in mysterious ways. The wheels of His mercy and justice move quietly, but they do move.
- Billy Graham
God is, if I may say it, very unscrupulous
- CS Lewis