Quotes about Children
In my ideal world, no child would suffer. Charitable instincts would prevail. There would be global acceptance of all different types of people.
- Clay Aiken
Homeschoolers are the ultimate do-it-yourselfers. They are self-motivated and self-directed, independent-minded and creative. They are not content to turn their education of their children over to the government.
- Nancy Pearcey
Ultimately this issue is on us. We're the ones who make the decisions about what our kids eat.
- Michelle Obama
Trump's enemies pretend to care about his past with women or about 'children.' But really, they hate good men, good women, unborn babies, and children - they actively target, brainwash, and corrupt innocent children, teaching them that wrong is right and right is wrong.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
I can testify to what UNICEF means to children because I was among those who received food and medical relief right after World War II.
- Audrey Hepburn
If someone must be hurt, if it ever becomes necessary to bear pains, weather strong winds, or withstand trials or opposition, let it be adults and not children.
- Bishop TD Jakes
I am certain that the Lord, who notes the fall of a sparrow, looks with compassion upon those who have been called upon to part, even temporarily, from their precious children.
- Thomas Monson
A marriage without children is the world without the sun.
- St. Augustine
My dream is that every child has enough food to eat, good medical care, and the chance to go to school and even attend college.
- Bill Gates
You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth.
- Ronald Reagan
Idleness among children, as among men, is the root of all evil, and leads to no other evil more certain than ill temper.
- Hannah More
No man stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child.
- James Dobson