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Quotes about Children

kids with parents who are honest about their shortcomings seem to do better in life. What I mean is parents who aren't trying to be perfect or pretend they're perfect have kids who trust and respect them more. It's as though vulnerability and openness act as the soil that fosters security. And I'd say that's the quality I most often sense in the children of honest, open parents. I sense security.
- Donald Miller
I suppose building a healthy family is possible. Maybe what children really need is simple. Maybe they just need somebody to show them it's okay to be human.
- Donald Miller
Dwight Eisenhower said that from the beginning, his mother and father operated on an assumption that set the course of his life - that the world could be fixed of its problems if every child understood the necessity of their existence. Eisenhower's parents assumed, and taught their children, that if their children weren't alive, their family couldn't function.
- Donald Miller
Just as a parent is pleased with the efforts of his little child to please him, though it be only by picking a daisy or walking across a room, so is our Father in heaven pleased with the poor performances of His believing children. He looks at the motive, principle, and intention of their actions, and not merely at their quantity and quality. He regards them as members of His own dear Son,
- JC Ryle
Grace does not run in families. It needs something more than good examples and good advice to make us children of God. Those who are born again are not born of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God, (John 1:13.) Praying parents should pray night and day, that their children may be born of the Spirit.
- JC Ryle
Beloved children, I am sorry to tell you—that there are many people going to Hell. "For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to Hell, and many enter through it!" I am afraid that many children are going to Hell. I see many boys and girls who are so naughty and ill-behaved, that I am sure they are not fit for Heaven. And if they are not fit for Heaven—where will they go if they die? There is only one other place to which they can go. THEY MUST GO TO HELL!
- JC Ryle
Don't fear withholding anything from your child that you think will do him harm, whatever his own wishes may be.
- JC Ryle
train up your children well — train well for this life, and train well for the life to come; train well for earth, and train well for heaven; train them for God, for Christ, and for eternity.
- JC Ryle
God says expressly, Train up a child in the way he should go, and He never gave a command that He did not give man grace to perform.
- JC Ryle
Let us worship on, pray on, praise on, and read on. Let us contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints, and resist manfully every effort to spoil Scriptural worship. Let us strive earnestly to hand down the light of Gospel worship to our children's children. Yet a little time and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Blessed in that day will be those, and those only, who are found true worshippers, "worshippers in spirit and truth!
- JC Ryle
This is the thought that should be uppermost on your mind in all you do for your children. In every step you take for them — in every plan, scheme, and arrangement that concerns them — do not leave out that mighty question, "How will this affect their souls?
- JC Ryle
The vast majority of children are not trained in the way they should go, for when they reach adulthood, they do not walk with God.
- JC Ryle