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Quotes about Technology

I am reminded of how difficult and time-consuming it is to reinvent the pencil every time you want to send a message.
- Audre Lorde
I was lucky to lose my voice at the beginning of the personal computing age.
- Stephen Hawking
Prof Stephen Hawking, one of Britain's pre-eminent scientists, has said that efforts to create thinking machines pose a threat to our very existence. He told the BBC:The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.
- Stephen Hawking
The low esteem in which science and scientists are held is having serious consequences. We live in a society that is increasingly governed by science and technology, yet fewer and fewer young people want to go into science.
- Stephen Hawking
In 2010, computerised trading systems created the stock-market Flash Crash; what would a computer-triggered crash look like in the defence arena?
- Stephen Hawking
Eventually, each individual will not only own their data, but it will be secured in a personal cloud or system, with the owner granting rights for others to access. Now that's a flip.
- Eric Topol
As we reviewed in Chapter 7, we will get away from keyboards in the office, also known as "death by a thousand clicks," and replace them with computer processing of natural language into notes.98—100
- Eric Topol
the average person is projected to have between six and seven connected devices by 2020.
- Eric Topol
It may just mean that the best way to cut the ever-increasing costs of health care around the world will be to provide cheap smartphones with Internet service to those who otherwise could not afford to buy them.
- Eric Topol
this really took off in 20116—11 with a Stanford University artificial intelligence class: 160,000 people signed up from 195 countries after one public announcement and 23,000 finished the course.
- Eric Topol
The staff of such a monitoring center could represent the future "hospitalist"—not likely to be called a "home-ist"—a physician particularly trained and adept at the interface of machines and people. You might describe them as geeks with compassion, not necessarily an oxymoron.
- Eric Topol
In 2011, there were over eighty-five million computerized tomography (CT) scans and nineteen million nuclear imaging tests performed in the United States.42 How many of these millions of patients do you think had their radiation dose measured or discussed with them before the scan was performed? The
- Eric Topol