Quotes about Technology
Besides, now that everyone could vote from home, via the OASIS, the only people who could get elected were movie stars, reality TV personalities, or radical televangelists.
- Ernest Cline
It occurred to me then that for the first time in as long as I could remember, I had absolutely no desire to log back into the OASIS.
- Ernest Cline
There was always a trick to beating a computer-controlled opponent. At a game like this, a gifted human player could always triumph over the game's AI, because software couldn't improvise. It could either react randomly, or in a limited number of predetermined ways, based on a finite number of preprogrammed conditions. This was an axiom in videogames, and would be until humans invented true artificial intelligence.
- Ernest Cline
flash of silver as the craft streaked laterally
- Ernest Cline
SQUID technologies
- Ernest Cline
But these were real aliens we were fighting—sentient beings with highly advanced technology, intent on destroying us. And we were outnumbered thousands to one. We should've been dead a hundred times already. Were humans really just better at war than they were, or all this time, had the aliens been throwing the game?
- Ernest Cline
The weapon had a built-in timer that would prevent it from firing for another twelve hours (a "cooling-off period") (...).
- Ernest Cline
Unlike their real-world counterparts, most of the OASIS public school teachers seemed to genuinely enjoy their job
- Ernest Cline
These days, most gunters referred to them as "the Sux0rz." (Because they sucked.)
- Ernest Cline
There was no downtime between calls, because there were always several hundred morons in the call queue, all of them willing to wait on hold for hours to have a tech rep hold their hand and fix their problem. Why bother looking up the solution online? Why try to figure the problem out on your own when you could have someone else do your thinking for you?
- Ernest Cline
Pee-wee Herman yelling through a vocoder
- Ernest Cline
I aimed my rocket eighty-eight right into the torrent of enemy fighters and fanned the trigger on my flight stick to fire off a rapid volley of plasma bolts.
- Ernest Cline