Quotes about Democracy
The advance of freedom is the great story of our time
- George W. Bush
Freedom is the last, best hope of earth.
- Abraham Lincoln
The best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation
- Jimmy Carter
One unanswered question is whether a Euro-Islam that combines Islam with democracy will be possible in the future. We mustn't confuse desire with reality.
- Walter Kasper
Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
We talk eloquently about our commitment to the principles of Christianity, and yet our lives are saturated with the practices of paganism. We proclaim our devotion to democracy, but we sadly practice the very opposite of the democratic creed.... This strange dichotomy, this agonizing gulf between the ought and the is, represents the tragic theme of man's earthly pilgrimage.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
It's heartbreaking that so many hundreds of millions of people around the world are desperate for the right to vote, but here in America people stay home on election day.
- Moby
our confidence is not in the solidity of Western culture or the basic goodness of modern democracy. Our confidence is in Jesus and him alone.
- NT Wright
These questions need to be worked out in other contexts, but it would be unwise to leave the central chapters of Revelation with the impression that bestial regimes are only and always non-democratic tyrannies. They may be closer to home than we like to think. Perhaps this is why the western church, so comfortable now within its present world, is not persecuted.
- NT Wright
In the United States, whoever you vote for, you still get a millionaire.
- NT Wright
Friends, comrades and fellow South Africans. I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy and freedom for all! I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands.
- Nelson Mandela
I have stated that a democracy is always two years behind the dictator.
- Winston Churchill