Quotes about Ruin
Unless God himself had by his election redeemed us from ruin, there would have been nothing but ruin to foresee.
- John Calvin
For I am every dead thing,In whom love wrought new alchemy.For his art did expressA quintessence even from nothingness,From dull privations, and lean emptinessHe ruin'd me, and I am re-begotOf absence, darkness, death; things which are not.
- John Donne
Better to be despised for too anxious apprehensions than ruined by too confident a security.
- Edmund Burke
As a moth gnaws a garment, so doth envy consume a man.
- St. John Chrysostom
But after a moment a sense of waste and ruin overcame him. There they were, close together and safe and shut in; yet so chained to their separate destinies that they might as well been half the world apart.
- Edith Wharton
But being ruined by taxes is not the worst you have to fear. What security would you have for your lives? How can any of you be sure you would have the free enjoyment of your religion long? Would you put your religion in the power of any set of men living? Remember civil and religious liberty always go together: if the foundation of the one be sapped, the other will fail of course.
- Alexander Hamilton
Take heed to yourselves, lest your example contradict your doctrine, and lest you lay such stumbling—blocks before the blind, as may be the occasion of their ruin; lest you unsay with your lives, what you say with your tongues; and be the greatest hindrances of the success of your own labors. It
- Richard Baxter
The reason we do anything one more time is because the last time did not really satisfy us deeply. As English poet W.H. Auden put it in "Apropos of Many Things": "We would rather be ruined than changed. We would rather die in our dread than climb the cross of the present and let our illusions die.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
She does not know what she says. Will you ruin her, because she has not wit to help herself? Get up! You could be free instantly. That is the most diabolical deed that ever you did. We are all done for—master, mistress, and servant.
- Emily Bronte
Should the whole frame of nature round him break, In ruin and confusion hurled, He, unconcerned, would hear the mighty crack, And stand secure amidst a falling world.
- Joseph Addison
The ruin or blank, that we see when we look at nature is in our own eye...Love is as much its demand, as perception. Indeed neither can be perfect without the other.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
People living in the vanity of their own mind not only destroy themselves, but far too often, they bring destruction to others around them.
- Joyce Meyer