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Quotes about Crucified

He meant to declare strongly that he trusted in nothing but Jesus Christ crucified for the pardon of his sins and the salvation of his soul. Let others, if they would, look elsewhere for salvation; let others, if they were so disposed, trust in other things for pardon and peace. But for his part, the apostle was determined to rest on nothing, lean on nothing, build his hope on nothing, place confidence in nothing, and glory in nothing except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- JC Ryle
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world" (Gal. 6: 14).
- John Eldredge
I am crucified to them; my heart is mortified to them. I have no desire after them or affection for them or delight in them; they are crucified to me. The crowns, glories, thrones, pleasures, and profits of the world, I see nothing desirable in them. The lusts, sensual pleasures, loves, respects, and honors of men, name, and reputation among them, they are all nothing to me. I do not value or esteem them.
- John Owen
Is the world crucified to you or does it fascinate you?
- Leonard Ravenhill
But how did we respond to this gift? We crucified him. We all stand convicted, guilty of a crime so horrendous the very heavens shook. I was there that day, Roman. I witnessed an astonishing event. The curtain between the Temple's inner chambers and the Holy of Holies, where our Lord God is said to dwell, was split from the top to the bottom. Do you hear what I am saying? From top to bottom. This is impossible, for no man can reach that high. Yet it happened, without anyone touching it.
- Janette Oke
All I know for certain is this: Caiaphas—and probably Annas also—is still extremely worried about a man who was most definitely crucified and buried.
- Janette Oke
Your old life and your former ways are crucified now, and you must not seek to live any more for your own gratification, but give up your own judgement into the hands of a wise director, and sacrifice your pleasures and comforts for the love of God and give
- Thomas Merton
What was once foolishness to us-a crucified God-must become our wisdom and our power and our only boast in this world.
- John Piper
The history of the church has been largely a history of "believers" refusing to believe in the way of the crucified Nazarene and instead giving in to the very temptations he resisted--power, relevancy, spectacle.
- Shane Claiborne
The whole page 199 about the apostle Paul, but especially this: All of his words could be reduced to one sentence. We preach Christ crucified (1Cor. 1:23 NIV). It wasn't that he lacked other sermon outlines; it was just than he could not't exhaust the first one.
- Max Lucado
We can "forget" about ourselves because Christ never forgets us. We can afford to be less important to ourselves because we are vastly important to God. We can willingly be crucified with Christ because we are raised to walk in resurrection life. Biblical self-denial will never fail to be for us rather than against us, whether here or in eternity. When Peter chose to deny Christ rather than himself, he really chose human limitations over divine intervention.
- Beth Moore
The greatest testimony to this dark world today would be a band of crucified and risen men and women, dead to sin and alive unto God, bearing in their bodies "the marks of the Lord Jesus" [Galatians 6:17 NKJV].
- Billy Graham