Quotes about Connection
Children who are not loved themselves often find it difficult to love others.
- Patricia St. John
Many of us are busy "doing" but are not keeping our personal relationship with God in tune.
- Patrick Morley
The path to significance is bigger than the individual.
- Patrick Morley
Personal ministry is not about always knowing what to say. It is not about fixing everything in sight that is broken. Personal ministry is about connecting people with Christ so that they are able to think as he would have them think, desire what he says is best, and do what he calls them to do even if their circumstances never get "fixed." It involves exposing hurt, lost, and confused people to God's glory, so that they give up their pursuit of their own glory and live for his.
- Paul David Tripp
It is a fundamental denial of your humanity to narrow the size of your life to the size of your own existence,
- Paul David Tripp
True humanity is always connected to glory, and true glory can only be found in the One who is glory, the Lord.
- Paul David Tripp
There is woven inside each of us a desire for something more—a craving to be part of something bigger, greater, and more profound than our relatively meaningless day-by-day existence.
- Paul David Tripp
You could say that the advice here is to connect everything you require of your children in behavior and belief to the story of redemption.
- Paul David Tripp
We simply weren't constructed to live only for ourselves. We were placed on earth to be part of something bigger than the narrow borders of our own survival and our own little definition of happiness. The desire resides in each of us, and it is called transcendence. To transcend is to be part of something greater. We were created to be part of something so big, so glorious, so far beyond the ordinary that it would totally change the way we approach every ordinary thing in our lives.
- Paul David Tripp
God designed us to live in community, first with him and then with one another.
- Paul David Tripp
Here it is: a marriage of love, unity, and understanding is not rooted in romance; it is rooted in worship.
- Paul David Tripp
Peace comes when you rest in the fact that grace has connected you to the One who has overcome everything that could cause your heart to be troubled, and nothing can sever that connection.
- Paul David Tripp