Quotes about Connection
Keep your life so constantly in touch with God that His surprising power can break through at any point. Live in a constant state of expectancy, and leave room for God to come in as He decides.
- Oswald Chambers
Do I have a personal history with Jesus Christ? The one true sign of discipleship is intimate oneness with Him—a
- Oswald Chambers
There must be a mechanical [physical] outlet for spiritual inspiration. You must DO [in the physical] what you see [in the spiritual], or become BLIND in that particular.
- Oswald Chambers
Paul was like a musician who gives no thought to audience approval, if he can only catch a look of approval from his Conductor.
- Oswald Chambers
Prayer is not getting things from God. That is a most initial stage; prayer is getting into perfect communion with God: I tell Him what I know He knows in order that I may get to know it as He does.
- Oswald Chambers
We are so involved in the universal purposes of God that immediately we obey God, others are affected
- Oswald Chambers
If we think of prayer as the breath in our lungs and the blood from our hearts, we think rightly. The blood flows ceaselessly, and breathing continues ceaselessly; we are not conscious of it, but it is always going on. We are not always conscious of Jesus keeping us in perfect joint with God, but if we are obeying Him, He always is. Prayer is not an exercise, it is the life.
- Oswald Chambers
I must take time to worship the One whose name I bear.
- Oswald Chambers
It is actually more important to be broken bread and poured-out wine in the area of intercession than in our personal contact with others. The power of imagination is what God gives a saint so that he can go beyond himself and be firmly placed into relationships he never before experienced.
- Oswald Chambers
If we set out to serve God and do His work but get out of touch with Him, the sense of responsibility we feel will be overwhelming and defeating. But if we will only roll back on God the burdens He has placed on us, He will take away that immense feeling of responsibility, replacing it with an awareness and understanding of Himself and His presence.
- Oswald Chambers
the yoke of the Lord Jesus.
- Oswald Chambers
It is not likely that sin will interfere with our intercessory relationship with God, but sympathy will. It is sympathy with ourselves or with others that makes us say, "I will not allow that thing to happen." And instantly we are out of that vital connection with God.
- Oswald Chambers