Quotes about Account
But they will have to give an account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
- 1 Peter 4:5
Like all knowledge, knowledge of God is mediated to us through our senses, through speech and symbol, mediated to us by parents and others. If this were not the case, we would be unable to account for the great diversity of representations of God. If knowledge of God, of the moral order, of the beautiful—if these were all innate, they would be universally identical and acknowledged as such.
- Herman Bavinck
The Bible gives a true and trustworthy account of creation, and that account in no way conflicts with or contradicts an old-Earth view, and vice versa.
- Hugh Ross
"STORY" is more than half of the word "HISTORY". And that's no accident.
- Glenn Beck
The strange thing about life is that though the nature of it must have been apparent to every one for hundreds of years, no one has left any adequate account of it.
- Virginia Woolf
The problem with Luther's account of the Christian faith and of theology is that he distinguishes too sharply between the "inner person" and the "outer person
- Miroslav Volf
Philosophy is like science and unlike history in that it seeks general truths rather than an account of particular events, either in the near or distant past.
- Mortimer Adler
While the Bible's account of the flood is one of judgment, it is also one of mercy and salvation.
- Ken Ham
Flood legends are an excellent confirmation of what we expected to find in a biblical worldview. Consider the converse. In an evolutionary story with millions of years where there was supposedly no global flood, there shouldn't be any global flood stories. So why would anyone have a massive global flood account in their history?
- Ken Ham
I try not to be religious. That sounds stuck-up. Like you just follow rules. I read somebody once who said religion is man's way to God. We make a list to follow that makes us good people in our own eyes, but we don't take into account what God wants.
- Chris Fabry
You know,' he went on, 'novels are the fruit of the human illusion that we can understand our fellow man. But what do we know about each other?' 'Nothing,' said Bibi. 'True,' said Joujou. The professor of philosophy acquiesced with a nod of the head. 'The only thing we can do,' said Banaka, 'is to give an account of our own selves. Anything else is an abuse of power. Anything else is a lie.
- Milan Kundera
There is so much bias for self-love, so much recklessness about truth in general, and so much of even a sincere faithlessness of narration, that no partial account of anything is to be trusted.
- Kate Summerscale