Quotes about Charisma
All of us long for a competent, uncorrupt, charismtatic leader. We will leap at the opportunity to support, to believe, to feel good.
- Carl Sagan
My goal is to make everyone and anyone a Kevin Hart fan.
- Kevin Hart
The so-called spirituality that was handed to me by those who put me to the task of pastoral work was not adequate. I do not find the emaciated, exhausted spirituality of institutional careerism adequate. I do not find the veneered, cosmetic spirituality of personal charisma adequate.
- Eugene Peterson
She was a remarkable looking woman. Remarkable in that she wasn't what most people would call beautiful. But she oozed a raw femaleness that I was certain made most women uncomfortable and sent men walking into walls. And when she smiled. Well. That was magic.
- Beth Hoffman
Helen Mirren is, I think, one of the fascinating actresses. Period. She captivates people and has tremendous power and charisma because she has never cashed in on being an exquisite beauty, even though I think she is. I can't say I'm anything like her, but I hope something similar will happen with me.
- Holly Hunter
With my natural communication abilities, I could probably gather a crowd even without the Spirit.
- Francis Chan
When somebody comes across as authentic and genuine and sweet, people just want to spend time with that person.
- Pete Holmes
Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn.
- John Wesley
Catch on fire and others will love to come watch you burn.
- John Wesley
People are always buying you and your energy. The simple truth is that when you are excited people get excited about where your bus is going and this makes them want to get on and stay on your bus.
- Jon Gordon
Smile, it increases you face value.
- Dolly Parton
My dear, the world is filled with brilliant, smiling monsters. I'm one who like to show his teeth.
- DiAnn Mills