Quotes about Tragedy
In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it. (Mr. Dumby, Act III)
- Oscar Wilde
Actions are the first tragedy in life, words are the second. Words are perhaps the worst. Words are merciless. . .
- Oscar Wilde
One must have a heart of stone to read the death of little Nell without laughing.
- Oscar Wilde
Every woman becomes their mother. That's their tragedy. And no man becomes his. That's his tragedy.
- Oscar Wilde
The tragedy of growing old is not that one is old but that one is young.
- Oscar Wilde
Mr Suttree in what year did your greatuncle Jeffrey pass away? It was in 1884. Did he die by natural causes? No sir. And what were the circumstances surrounding his death? He was taking part in a public function when the platform gave way. Our information is that he was hanged for a homicide.
- Cormac McCarthy
We could of brought weeners, she said. Yeah. Marshmallers. You wouldnt think a car would burn like that.
- Cormac McCarthy
He was sat as before save headless, drenched in blood, the cigarillo still between his fingers, leaning toward the dark and smoking grotto in the flames where his life had gone. Glanton rose. The men moved away. No one spoke. When they set out in the dawn the headless man was sitting like a murdered anchorite discalced in ashes and sark. Someone had taken his gun but the boots stood where he'd put them.
- Cormac McCarthy
We can all endure disaster and tragedy and triumph over them—if we have to. We may not think we can, but we have surprisingly strong inner resources that will see us through if we will only make use of them. We are stronger than we think.
- Dale Carnegie
not one escaped to tell the fall of Alamo, The hundred & fifty are dumb yet at Alamo.
- Walt Whitman
Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
- Walt Whitman
When you have been hurt by life, it may be hard to keep that in mind. When you are standing very close to a large object, all you can see is the object. Only by stepping back from it can you also see the rest of its setting around it. When we are stunned by some tragedy, we can only see and feel the tragedy. Only with time and distance can we see the tragedy in the context of a whole life and a whole world.
- Harold S. Kushner