Quotes about Happiness
one endure In purity of thought, joy follows him As his own shadow—sure.
- James Allen
Todo lo que somos es el resultado de lo que hemos pensado. Está fundado en nuestros pensamientos; está hecho de nuestros pensamientos". AsÃ
- James Allen
Strong, pure, and happy thoughts build up the body in vigour and grace.
- James Allen
They themselves are makers of themselves. by virtue of the thoughts, which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness. JAMES ALLEN.
- James Allen
Where is the burden which should cause unhappiness or sorrow? It does not exist. If a thing is to be done let it be done cheerfully, and not with inward groanings and lamentations. It is of the highest wisdom to embrace necessity as a friend and guide.
- James Allen
Life is a series of lessons. Some are diligent in learning them, and they become pure, wise, and altogether happy. Others are negligent, and do not apply themselves. They remain impure, foolish, and unhappy.
- James Allen
Every form of unhappiness springs from a wrong condition of mind. Happiness is inherent in right conditions of mind.
- James Allen
Every form of unhappiness springs from a wrong condition of mind. Happiness is inherent in right conditions of mind. Happiness is mental harmony, unhappiness is mental inharmony. While a man lives in wrong conditions of mind, he will live a wrong life, and will suffer continually.
- James Allen
Not only great happiness but great power arises from doing little things unselfishly, wisely, and perfectly, for life in its totality is made up of little things. Wisdom inheres in the common details of everyday existence, and when the parts are made perfect the Whole will be without blemish.
- James Allen
Blessedness and riches are only joined together when the riches are rightly and wisely used; and the poor man only descends into wretchedness when he regards his lot as a burden unjustly imposed.
- James Allen
The person who has a firm trust in the Supreme Being is powerful in his power, wise by his wisdom, happy by his happiness.
- Joseph Addison
[Gratitude is] the cheerfulness of wisdom.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson