Quotes about Happiness
Those who move forward with a happy spirit will find that things always work out.
- Gordon Hinckley
Go forward in life with a smile on your face, a sparkle in your eyes, and with great and strong purpose in your heart. The best things in life are the people in your life, the moments we live, and memories we made along the way.
- Gordon Hinckley
The way of the Lord is the way of happiness. 'Wickedness never was happiness' [Alma 41:10]. Transgression never was happiness. Sin never was happiness. Disobedience never was happiness. The way of happiness is following the way of the Lord. I believe this with all my heart.
- Gordon Hinckley
I plead with you to control your tempers, to put a smile upon your faces, which will erase anger; speak out with words of love and peace, appreciation, and respect. If you will do this, your lives will be without regret. Your marriages and family relationships will be preserved. You will be much happier. You will do greater good. You will feel a sense of peace that will be wonderful.
- Gordon Hinckley
Associated with gratitude is virtue. I think they are related because he who is disposed to shun virtue lacks appreciation of life, its purposes, and the happiness and well-being of others.
- Gordon Hinckley
The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond the grave. Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally.
- Gordon Hinckley
The gospel is a thing of joy. It provides us with a reason for gladness. Of course there is sorrow. Of course there are hours of concern and anxiety. We all worry. But the Lord has told us to lift our hearts and rejoice.
- Gordon Hinckley
The happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others.
- Gordon Hinckley
Let us be happy people. The Lord's plan is a plan of happiness. The way will be lighter, the worries will be fewer, the confrontations will be less difficult if we cultivate a spirit of happiness.
- Gordon Hinckley
That was all; but all their intercourse had been made up of just such inarticulate flashes, when they seemed to come suddenly upon happiness as if they had surprised a butterfly in the winter woods…
- Edith Wharton
The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have past at home in the bosom of my family.
- Thomas Jefferson
There is no way to peace; peace is the way. There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way. If you are determined, you can do it with your breathing.
- Thich Nhat Hanh