Quotes about Happiness
A key to enjoying the Christian life is connecting the dots between our happiness and God's provision. When I run with my dog or look at Jupiter dominating the sky over Mount Hood, I experience happiness. Unbelievers are capable of enjoying happiness in the same things, but their happiness can't be as immense or enduring because they're disconnected from the Provider.
- Randy Alcorn
In the end, we have two choices: both God and happiness neither God nor happiness
- Randy Alcorn
Charles Spurgeon said of 1 Timothy 1:11, "The Gospel is also the Gospel of happiness. It is called 'the glorious Gospel of the blessed God.' A more correct translation would be, 'the happy God.' Well, then, adorn the Gospel by being happy!"[17]
- Randy Alcorn
You may not be accustomed to thinking that God commands us to be happy. But it's a fact. And I'm betting it's a command most of us would like to obey!
- Randy Alcorn
If we believe Scripture, we can reverently seek to enjoy happiness and laughter with God himself. I often remind myself that God is always with me. He wants us to know we can be happy both in him and with him—not only after we die, but as we live today. When I'm alone, whether I'm meditating or reading or looking at photos or watching a movie, any happiness or laughter I experience is a laugh I share with God because, in fact, I am not alone!
- Randy Alcorn
Holiness is pleasing to God, beneficial to men, and essential to the promotion of our own happiness
- Randy Alcorn
G. K. Chesterton once said that to be thankful is the highest form of thought and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. Thanklessness, then,must be the lowest form of thought, and ingratitude is discontentment, bankrupted of wonder.
- Ravi Zacharias
And in our search for morality and happiness outside of God, we have effectively lost all three—God, morality, and happiness.
- Ravi Zacharias
Violation of the sacred in the pursuit of happiness is not truly a source of happiness. In fact, it kills happiness because it can run roughshod over many a victim.
- Ravi Zacharias
pleasure brings no lasting fulfillment.
- Ravi Zacharias
Marriages that are Christ-centered are beautiful to behold and wonderful to enjoy. Romance as God intended it can last a lifetime.
- Ravi Zacharias
These extremes of feeling at either end of the spectrum that most of us wish to avoid, even as we are drawn into them, are the twin realities that help shape our search. We want to find happiness. We want to avoid pain. We want to know who we are. We want to know what we are. We care about our origin and our essence. Pleasure and pain become indicators along the way on the road that will lead us to our destiny, and they are rooted in the question of our origin.
- Ravi Zacharias