Quotes about Happiness
God smiles when we praise and thank Him continually. Few things feel better than receiving heartfelt praise and appreciation from someone else. God loves it, too. An amazing thing happens when we offer praise and thanksgiving to God. When we give God enjoyment, our own hearts are filled with joy.
- William Law
I have always been a Laugher, disturbing people who are not laughers, upsetting whole audiences at theatres... I laugh, that's all. I love to laugh. Laugher to me is being alive. I have had rotten times, and I have laughed through them. Even in the midst of the very worst times I have laughed.
- William Saroyan
To Armenians, half Armenians, quarter Armenians, and one-eight Armenians. Sixteen and thirty-second Armenians, and other winners, are likelier to be happy with a useful book
- William Saroyan
Eating cherries on a hot July afternoon in Michigan is one of the greatest things that can happen to anybody, and here it is right now - three minutes after three - happening to ME, and to you.
- William Saroyan
that gratitude for life came from being happy
- William Ury
3. Reframe Your Picture. Do you feel like life is in some way against you? How can you make your own happiness today? If life is challenging, can you nonetheless choose to say yes to it, just the way it is? 4. Stay in the Zone. Are you carrying any resentments about the past or anxieties about the future? What will it take to let go and accept life as it is today? What is one small step you can take to stay in the zone, where you are at your best?
- William Ury
Be mild, and cleave to gentle things, thy glory and thy happiness be there.
- William Wordsworth
There is a huge difference between being bound in relationship by the joy of love, and being tied up in obligation and guilt.
- Chuck Smith
To be content with what one has is the greatest and truest of riches.
- Cicero
What we call pleasure, and rightly so is the absence of all pain.
- Cicero
Intimate, loving, and enduring relationships with our family and close friends will be among the sources of the deepest joy in our lives.
- Clayton M. Christensen
I'm tired of Love: I'm still more tired of Rhyme.But Money gives me pleasure all the time.
- Hilaire Belloc