Quotes about Values
See you don't have to think about doing the right thing. If you're for the right thing you do it without thinking.
- Maya Angelou
Mother whispered, 'See, you don't have to think about doing the right thing, If you're for the right thing, then you do it without thinking.
- Maya Angelou
When you cross my doorstep, you have already been raised. With what you have learned from your Grandmother Henderson in Arkansas and what you have learned from me, you know the difference between right and wrong. Do right. Don't let anybody raise you from the way you have been raised. Know you will always have to make adaptations, in love relationships, in friends, in society, in work, but don't let anybody change your mind. And then remember this: You can always come home.
- Maya Angelou
The culture in which we live stresses looking out for number one. Without adopting such a self-centered value system, we can demand the best of ourselves while we are extending our hands to help others.
- Ben Carson
If we apply logic to solving our problems and add the godly principles of loving our fellow man, caring about our neighbors, and developing our God-given talents to the utmost so we become valuable to those around us — allowing these values and principles to govern our lives — then not only will we remain a pinnacle nation, we will truly be "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
- Ben Carson
Breaking cycles of dependency, establishing cordial relationships between people of differing economic means, and reestablishing sound values and principles in our society can serve only to strengthen the fabric of our nation, which is what any government should want to do and which clearly promotes the general welfare.
- Ben Carson
When the party becomes more important than principle, we are in dire straits
- Ben Carson
The founders wanted generally accepted religious values to be taught in our schools without favoring any particular denomination, but they never intended to exclude God from the classroom, because they knew that you had to have something upon which to base your system of values. If we only believe in evolution and survival of the fittest, whose values do we use to govern society?
- Ben Carson
Everyone knows that there are thirteen stripes to represent the original thirteen colonies and fifty stars, each representing one of the fifty states. But what you may not know is that red represents hardness and valor. White represents purity and innocence. And blue represents perseverance, vigilance, and justice.
- Ben Carson
Today many people in America slavishly devote themselves to a political party without engaging in critical analysis of whether the philosophies of that party are really in sync with their true values and with the betterment of their position in society. If decades of such devotion leads to more broken families, more out-of-wedlock births, more involvement with the criminal justice system, more poverty and more dependency on government, maybe it is time to ask whether such devotion is warranted.
- Ben Carson
Relief arises from consistency—from being the same person at the shopping mall as we are at Sunday worship.
- Beth Moore
There is a generation that curses its father and does not bless its mother. Proverbs 30:11
- Beth Moore