Quotes about Values
Love is an expression and assertion of self-esteem, a response to one's own values in the person of another. One gains a profoundly personal, selfish joy from the mere existence of the person one loves. It is one's own personal, selfish happiness that one seeks, earns, and derives from love.
- Ayn Rand
If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people to not kill each other? Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.
- Mother Teresa
The monstrosity of sexual intercourse outside marriage is that those who indulge in it are trying to isolate one kind of union the sexual from all the other kinds of union which were intended to go along with it and make up the total union.
- CS Lewis
A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues.
- Cicero
When you are in the final days of your life, what will you want? Will you hug that college degree in the walnut frame? Will you ask to be carried to the garage so you can sit in your car? Will you find comfort in rereading your financial statement? Of course not. What will matter then will be people. If relationships will matter most then, shouldn't they matter most now?
- Max Lucado
Our moral and cultural traditions have not kept pace with our economic possibilities. We try to match new demands with a spiritual life not designed for them.
- Michael Novak
We learned about dignity and decency - that how hard you work matters more than how much you make... that helping others means more than just getting ahead yourself.
- Michelle Obama
Like so many American families, our families weren't asking for much. They didn't begrudge anyone else's success or care that others had much more than they did... in fact, they admired it.
- Michelle Obama
And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values, like you work hard for what you want in life. That your word is your bond that you do what you say you're going to do. That you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them and even if you don't agree with them.
- Michelle Obama
We are creating a culture, even if it's unintentional. The question is, do we like the culture we are creating?
- Mike Breen
All of my children are ideologically and politically in sync with me, they all have authentic Christian faith. It's something I'm very grateful for.
- Mike Huckabee
Don't let the culture influence your message, let your message influence the culture.
- Mike Huckabee