Quotes about Values
A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large.
- Henry Ford
Prostitutes dress obviously, so as to draw attention. It's their business, isn't it? The last thing that a Christian woman is thinking of is being like a prostitute.
- Elisabeth Elliot
When a company or an individual compromises one time, whether it's on price or principle, the next compromise is right around the corner.
- Zig Ziglar
It doesn't matter where you live...It doesn't matter how you live. It doesn't matter what car you drive. It doesn't matter what kind of clothes you wear.
- Mark Cuban
If there ever was a time when character mattered, it was in Washington's role in the birth of America. If he had operated with a different set of moral values and a different personal character, America would have had a king or dictator instead of a federal Constitution and representative government.
- Peter Lillback
Thus, we find phrases such as the following in Washington's public and private writings: "A Christian Spirit," "A True Christian," "Be more of a man and a Christian," "Christian soldiers," "The little Christian," "To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian." 32
- Peter Lillback
For any act to be morally right, three things are necessary: (1) right act, (2) right motive, and (3) right circumstances. If any one of these factors is not right, the act is wrong.
- Peter Kreeft
Only when there is virtue in souls can there be peace and happiness in society.
- Peter Kreeft
It is often said that we live in a youth culture. It's a lie. We live in an old culture. We idolize youth because we are old. We are tired and bored. Ancient cultures respected the old because those cultures were young. They were not bored.
- Peter Kreeft
you have nothing worth dying for, you will die. If you have nothing worth living for except mere living, you will not live.
- Peter Kreeft
No matter what else you're involved in, regardless of what else you're doing, make your children a high priority. God has given you an amazing privilege! Say no to other things before you say no to your kids.
- David Jeremiah
If you do not influence them, someone else will. If you are not shaping their values, others will do it for you. The issue is not, Will my child be influenced? The issue is, Who will be that influence? Most parents I know prefer to wield the greatest influence in the lives of their children. They wisely want to make the major investment in their children's lives so that the values of their offspring largely reflect their own. That's the most basic rationale for investing
- David Jeremiah