Quotes about Contentment
With that in mind, here is a list of suggested things to thank God for. You may not have everything on this list (right now), but maybe many of them will resonate with you. The leper I met would have been elated to have any of these things. A roof over your head A friend who checks in on you Family members who love you A car that is running (yes, even if it's barely running) A full stomach Hot and cold running water A sense of humor
- Joyce Meyer
Don't just serve God, enjoy God. Enjoy being God's child. Enjoy the little corner of life that He has given you!
- Joyce Meyer
The mind should not be filled with reasoning, worry, anxiety, fear, and the like. It should be calm, quiet, and serene.
- Joyce Meyer
Joy in All Circumstances
- Joyce Meyer
An immature Christian is selfish, self-centered, and finds it difficult to be happy unless he is getting what he wants in life.
- Joyce Meyer
Be Thankful at All Times I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. PSALM 34:1 Some people are very thankful for every little thing that is done for them, while others are never satisfied, no matter how much is done on their behalf. Choose to be a grateful person—one filled with gratitude not only toward God, but also toward people. When someone does something nice for you, let that person know you appreciate it.
- Joyce Meyer
We need to learn to enjoy each day and every moment. Even when circumstances are difficult, if we can rejoice and be thankful in "this," whatever "this" situation may be, we will grow in spiritual maturity and we will be happier, more peaceful people.
- Joyce Meyer
We should want Him more than anything. If we seek Him first, then all other things will be added to our lives.
- Joyce Meyer
Be content with what you have right now, knowing that God has perfect timing for the things you do not have yet.
- Joyce Meyer
I am concerned about the things in my life that still need to change because I want them to change. But I know that change comes about by degrees as I go from glory to glory. Most people are so busy trying to move on to the next level of glory that they don't enjoy the level they are in at the moment. Enjoy
- Joyce Meyer
But if we want God's peace and joy, we can't waste our time trying to be people-pleasers.
- Joyce Meyer
If you have wondered how to have peace, I can tell you that it will come if you will quit making a big deal about everything.
- Joyce Meyer