Quotes about Contentment
In God's economy, we usually have to be willing to lose something we have in order to gain what we really want. Why hang on to something that is never going to satisfy you anyway? Don't live under the tyranny of what people think. Stop trying to convince them of your good intentions and let them think what they want to think. God is your defender; He will vindicate you in due time. What can someone's thoughts do to you anyway? Why live your life being afraid of a thought?
- Joyce Meyer
Greedy people ask, ask, ask, and rarely ever appreciate what they have already received. I do not believe that God will release us into the fullness of all that He has planned for us until we become thankful for what we have already been given.
- Joyce Meyer
Contentment with life is not a feeling, but it is a decision we must make. Contentment does not mean that we never want to see change or improvement, but it does mean we can be happy where we are and will do the best we can with what we have. It also means we will maintain an attitude that allows us to enjoy the gift of life.
- Joyce Meyer
life without peace, is the result of trying to do something about something you cannot do anything about.
- Joyce Meyer
When we maintain an attitude of thanksgiving, we close the door to grumbling and complaining—which seem to be ever-present temptations in our lives.
- Joyce Meyer
Trust in Him Don't wait until everything is perfect before you decide to enjoy your everyday life. Trust God and be content regardless of your circumstances.
- Joyce Meyer
Eliminate Worry from Your Vocabulary
- Joyce Meyer
If I continue trying to do what only God can do, I will make myself miserable.
- Joyce Meyer
when we think about vain or useless things, we become frustrated and dissatisfied.
- Joyce Meyer
How many times do we ask God to give us something, and after He gives it to us, we start complaining because we have to take care of it? This kind of wilderness mentality keeps us living in the wilderness when we could be living in the Promised Land.
- Joyce Meyer
We are not jealous of what anyone else has if we have the same thing. Fear comes when we are afraid we will be left out or have to do without what we want.
- Joyce Meyer
I think that most of our unhappiness comes from not liking ourselves. If you don't get along with yourself, you're not going to get along with anybody else. Be content with who God made you to be!
- Joyce Meyer