Quotes about Contentment
the more you focus on your own neediness, the more your desires will be christened as needs.
- Paul David Tripp
Ask yourself: What makes your good day a good day? What are the things that tend to make you happy and satisfied? What gives your life a sense of meaning and purpose? What are the things you faithfully pursue, and what are you hoping to experience once you get them? If I watched the video of your last year, what treasure would I conclude you're after?
- Paul David Tripp
Your heart will never be satisfied in things. No, your heart will be satisfied only in the Giver of the things. If you seek happiness, happiness will elude you.
- Paul David Tripp
you love the gifts and not the Giver, your heart will never be satisfied, but if you love the Giver, your heart will be content and you will be able to enjoy his gifts while keeping them in their proper place.
- Paul David Tripp
So the desire for good possessions is not wrong, but it must not rule your heart.
- Paul David Tripp
if you don't keep the eyes of your heart focused on the paradise that is to come, you will try to turn this poor fallen world into the paradise it will never
- Paul David Tripp
At the end of the day, what do you long for: for God's grace to do its work or for more of the stuff that this physical created world has to offer?
- Paul David Tripp
None of us is yet a grace graduate, but we're satisfied. We all give evidence that we still need to grow, but we're satisfied. And because we are satisfied, we are resistant to the grace that is our only hope.
- Paul David Tripp
Here's what happens to us all - we seek horizontally for the personal rest that we are to find vertically, and it never works. Looking to others for your inner sense of well-being is pointless.
- Paul David Tripp
Perhaps in ways that you have never come close to considering, your dissatisfaction is an awe problem.
- Paul David Tripp
If you put too many things in your need category, you will end up frustrated with life, hurt by others, and doubting God's goodness.
- Paul David Tripp
the true crisis in the modern evangelical church is not dissatisfaction; it's the opposite. We're all too satisfied.
- Paul David Tripp