Quotes about Commandments
The activity will prove to be "peculiar" by leading the active person into Christ's own passion. This activity itself is perpetual suffering and enduring. In it, Christ is suffered by his disciple. If this is not the case, it is not the activity Jesus intended. In this way, the "extraordinary" is the fulfilling of the law, the keeping of the commandments.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Anybody who does not feel that he would be much happier were he only permitted to understand and obey the commandments of Jesus in a straightforward literal way, and e.g. surrender all his possessions at his bidding rather than cling to them, has no right to this paradoxical interpretation of Jesus' words. We have to hold the two together in mind all the time.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Things are much simpler here than we like. Not that we do not know God's commandments, but that we do not do them—and then gradually, as a consequence of such disobedience, we no longer know what is right—that is our predicament.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The more I begin to love the commandments of God in creation and word, the more present they will be for me in every hour.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Monasticism was represented as an individual achievement which the mass of the laity could not be expected to emulate. By thus limiting the application of the commandments of Jesus to a restricted group of specialists.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Life is not found in commandments or declarations of penalties, but in the promise of mercy and only in a gratuitous promise.
- John Calvin
The Bible speaks not of God's laws, as if many of them, but of God's Law as a single whole.
- Jerry Bridges
The law was given to reveal what real sin looked like. When God gave the 10 commandments to Moses, his purpose wasn't to show us how we can be perfect and make it into heaven. God knew we could never live up to it. He did it so we can could see how bad we really can be.
- Andy Stanley
Participants in the new covenant are not required to obey most of the commandments found in the first half of their Bibles. Participants in the new covenant are expected to obey the single command Jesus issued as part of his new covenant. Namely: As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
- Andy Stanley
What is discipleship? It is primarily obedience to the Savior. Discipleship includes many things. It is chastity. It is tithing. It is family home evening. It is keeping all the commandments. It is forsaking anything that is not good for us.
- James Faust
When we are baptized and confirmed, when brethren are ordained to the priesthood, when we go to the temple and receive our endowment, when we enter into the new and everlasting covenant of eternal marriage - in all these sacred ordinances, we make solemn commitments to keep God's commandments.
- Joseph Wirthlin
The main object of the Islamists' struggle was to impose Islamic law—Sharia. They believe that the five hundred Quranic verses that constitute the basis of Sharia are the immutable commandments of God, offering a road back to the perfected era of the Prophet and his immediate successors—although the legal code actually evolved several centuries after the Prophet's death.
- Lawrence Wright