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Quotes about Commandments

If you keep My commandments, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and remain in His love.
- John 15:10
you who received the law ordained by angels, yet have not kept it.”
- Acts 7:53
You who boast in the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law?
- Romans 2:23
For concerning the righteousness that is by the law, Moses writes: “The man who does these things will live by them.”
- Romans 10:5
The commandments “Do not commit adultery,” “Do not murder,” “Do not steal,” “Do not covet,” and any other commandments, are summed up in this one decree: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
- Romans 13:9
Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God’s commandments is what counts.
- 1 Corinthians 7:19
The law, however, is not based on faith; on the contrary, “The man who does these things will live by them.”
- Galatians 3:12
by abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and decrees. He did this to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace
- Ephesians 2:15
Whoever keeps the whole law but stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.
- James 2:10
For He who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” If you do not commit adultery, but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.
- James 2:11
By this we can be sure that we have come to know Him: if we keep His commandments.
- 1 John 2:3
If anyone says, “I know Him,” but does not keep His commandments, he is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
- 1 John 2:4