Quotes about Despair
He despairs of his return from darkness; he is marked for the sword.
- Job 15:22
he will dwell in ruined cities, in abandoned houses destined to become rubble.
- Job 15:28
Surely He has now exhausted me; You have devastated all my family.
- Job 16:7
I have sewn sackcloth over my skin; I have buried my horn in the dust.
- Job 16:15
My face is red with weeping, and deep shadows ring my eyes;
- Job 16:16
“My spirit is broken; my days are extinguished; the grave awaits me.
- Job 17:1
If I look for Sheol as my home, if I spread out my bed in darkness,
- Job 17:13
where then is my hope? Who can see any hope for me?
- Job 17:15
The light in his tent grows dark, and the lamp beside him goes out.
- Job 18:6
Though I cry out, ‘Violence!’ I get no response; though I call for help, there is no justice.
- Job 19:7
He has stripped me of my honor and removed the crown from my head.
- Job 19:9
He tears me down on every side until I am gone; He uproots my hope like a tree.
- Job 19:10