Quotes about Despair
In his dream she was sick and he cared for her. The dream bore the look of sacrifice but he thought differently. He did not take care of her and she died alone somewhere in the dark and there is no other dream nor other waking world and there is no other tale to tell.
- Cormac McCarthy
Rage is only for what you believe can be fixed. All the rest is grief.
- Cormac McCarthy
We pour water upon the child and name it. Not to fix it in our hearts but in our clutches. The daughters of men sit in half darkened closets inscribing messages upon their arms with razorblades and sleep is no part of their life.
- Cormac McCarthy
The nights now only slightly less black. By day the banished sun circles the earth like a grieving mother with a lamp.
- Cormac McCarthy
Perhaps they had come to warn him. But of what? That he couldn't enkindle in the boy's heart what was ashes in his own?
- Cormac McCarthy
He was sat as before save headless, drenched in blood, the cigarillo still between his fingers, leaning toward the dark and smoking grotto in the flames where his life had gone. Glanton rose. The men moved away. No one spoke. When they set out in the dawn the headless man was sitting like a murdered anchorite discalced in ashes and sark. Someone had taken his gun but the boots stood where he'd put them.
- Cormac McCarthy
He found Reese asleep in a wrecked car behind the cabins. Suttree shook him gently awake into a world he wanted no part of. The old man fought it.
- Cormac McCarthy
And all the time she felt the reflection of his hopelessness in her. She couldn't quite, quite love in hoplessness. And he, being hopeless, couldn't ever love at all.
- DH Lawrence
Connie really sometimes felt she would die at this time. She felt she was being crushed to death by weird lies and by the amazing cruelty of idiocy.
- DH Lawrence
But his dread was the nights when he could not sleep. Then it was awful indeed, when annihilation pressed in on him on every side. Then it was ghastly, to exist without having any life: lifeless, in the night, to exist.
- DH Lawrence
And he could go on in life, existing from day to day, without connection and without hope. For he did not know what to do with himself.
- DH Lawrence
She felt weak and utterly forlorn. She wished some help would come from outside. But in the whole world there was no help.
- DH Lawrence