Quotes about Choice
But a philosopher named William James responded that sometimes Clifford's advice is bad strategy. He said doubt is the wrong alternative when three conditions are met: when we have live options, when the stakes are momentous, and when we must make a choice.3
- John Ortberg
So temptation is like a knife, that may either cut the meat or the throat of a man; it may be his food or his poison, his exercise or his destruction.
- John Owen
Temptation is like a knife, that may either cut the meat or the throat of a man; it may be his food or his poison, his exercise or his destruction.
- John Owen
Aim to live as a slave to Christ, because only then am I free…. We're all in some kind of bondage …. Most of us have the freedom to choose that slavery, whether we realize it or not."
- Cathy Gohlke
Choose you this day whom ye will serve … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
- Cathy Gohlke
In things that are "below him," man has freedom in Luther's view to act as he sees fit. In things "above," however, the matter is different; there we encounter the problem of God's predestination.
- Gerhard Forde
You can either complain about how hard your life is, or you can realize that only you are responsible for it.
- Glenn Beck
People came here for a reason, to follow their conscience, to be free!
- Glenn Beck
Men should think twice before making widow hood woman's only path to power.
- Gloria Steinem
I can go on the road - because I can come home. I come home - because I'm free to leave. Each way of being is more valued in the presence of the other.
- Gloria Steinem
But why didn't you leave? Why didn't you take my sister and go to New York?" she would say it didn't matter, that she was lucky to have my sister and me. If I pressed hard enough, she would add, "If I'd left, you never would have been born." I never had the courage to say: But you would have been born instead.
- Gloria Steinem
I could leave—because I could return. I could return—because I knew adventure lay just beyond an open door. Instead of either/or, I discovered a whole world of and.
- Gloria Steinem