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Quotes about Choice

What you must cling to is that you have died with Christ in the cross; sin no longer has to rule over you. You have a choice!
- John Eldredge
The adventures and work that we choose must fit the soul of the boy. One young man's adventure would be terrifying to another.
- John Eldredge
Stop doubting and believe?" (John 20:27). Thomas had a decision to make in that moment, a decision he was quite capable of making, a decision our Lord was waiting for him to make. Thomas's experience was waiting on a choice.
- John Eldredge
Adam and Eve could not walk away from the seductive serpent who enticed them to eat the forbidden fruit, and they lost Eden. Samson could not walk away from Delilah, who seductively lured him into revealing the secret to the anointing God had given him, and he lost his life. Judas could not walk away from thirty pieces of silver, and he lost his soul. Is the Prince of Darkness tempting you with forbidden fruit to lure you away from your blessing? Be like Abram: walk away today!  
- John Hagee
I must choose between despair and Energy??I choose the latter.
- John Keats
I would have borne it as I would bear death if fate was in that humour: but I should as soon think of choosing to die as to part from you.
- John Keats
They, looking back, all the eastern side beheld of Paradise, so late their happy seat, Waved over by that flaming brand, the gate with dreadful faces thronged and fiery arms: Some natural tears they dropped, but wiped them soon; The world was all before them, where to choose Their place of rest, and Providence their guide; They, hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow, Through Eden took their solitary way.
- John Milton
The choice to 'do nothing' in response to the mounting evidence is actually a choice to continue and even accelerate the reckless environmental destruction that is creating the catastrophe at hand.
- Al Gore
All theory is against freedom of the will all experience for it.
- Samuel Johnson
Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.
- Henry Ward Beecher
He who created us without our help will not save us without our consent.
- St. Augustine
Each child in each generation chooses faith or disbelief. Faith is not an inheritance; it is a choice.
- Henry B. Eyring