Quotes about Choice
He said, "Don, when something hard happens to you, you have two choices in how to deal with it. You can either get bitter, or better. I chose to get better. It's made all the difference.
- Donald Miller
To know there is a better story for your life and to choose something other is like choosing to die.
- Donald Miller
The repentance we are called to is about choosing one audience over another.
- Donald Miller
Pain can serve a purpose if we cause it to. Again, while we do not have power over all that happens in the world, we do have power over our perspective. We can choose to take unfair and undue pain and cause it to serve our own story so that we become better. So that we transform.
- Donald Miller
I think that story about Jesus and the rich man also means that while everybody is invited, not everybody is willing.
- Donald Miller
Once you know what it takes to live a better story, you don't have a choice.
- Donald Miller
We must show people the cost of not doing business with us.
- Donald Miller
People will always choose a story that helps them survive and thrive.
- Donald Miller
If we don't want a baby, we must take responsibility for our actions before a baby becomes a reality. God has made us capable of having babies, and when one has been conceived, it is His intention for that child to come into the world. The moment the child is conceived, he is a person, and to abort a pregnancy is murder of a human being.
- J. Vernon McGee
Every man has power to 'lose his own soul' (Matthew 26:26).
- JC Ryle
The truth is you can, over time, learn to choose only uplifting, inspiring, motivational, and empowering thoughts. It is simply a habit that—with intention and discipline—can be developed.
- Jack Canfield
Either accept that you are making the choice to stay where you are, take responsibility for your choice, and stop complaining... or take the risk of doing something new and different to create your life exactly the way you want it.
- Jack Canfield