Quotes about Choice
Until one day when, as well as his spiritual death, physical death appears; at that moment God will ask: what did you do with your life? We must all answer this question, and woe betides those who answer: I remained standing at the door.
- Paulo Coelho
Whenever I refused to follow my fate, something very hard to bear would happen in my life.
- Paulo Coelho
The Gods throw the dice,and they don't ask whether we want to be in the game or not.They don't care if when you go,you leave behind a lover,a home, a career or a dream.The Gods don't care whether you have it all,whether your every desire can be met through hardwork and persistence.The Gods don't want to know about your plans and hopes.Somewhere they're throwing the dice and you get chosen.From then on,winning and losing is only a question of luck.
- Paulo Coelho
I'm afraid of committing myself," she thought to herself. She wanted to follow all possible paths and so ended up following none.
- Paulo Coelho
Everything that could happen, but it never happened, eventually was taken away by the wind and leaves no trace.The life - this is our actions.
- Paulo Coelho
No one could make a choice without feeling afraid. That's was the law of life..and no one could escape.
- Paulo Coelho
He closed the door but he knew that, for those who seek to step beyond the threshold, the door is always open. You need only turn the knob.
- Paulo Coelho
Basically, everything that happens in our life is our fault and ours alone. A lot of people go through the same difficulties we went through, and they react completely differently. We looked for the easiest way out: a separate reality
- Paulo Coelho
The first choice an artist makes is precisely to be an artist, and if he chooses to be an artist it is in consideration of what he is himself and because of a certain idea he has of art
- Albert Camus
Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and choice, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim.
- Aristotle
Attitude is everything, so pick a good one
- Wayne Dyer
The one thing you can't take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one's freedoms is to choose ones attitude in any given circumstance.
- Viktor E. Frankl