Quotes about Choice
Prayer of Thanks Father, I am so thankful that I can choose what thoughts to dwell on. With Your help, I can reject negative thinking, and I can focus on thoughts based on Your Word. Thank You that I can be a confident, positive person.
- Joyce Meyer
You can never make a wrong choice and get a right result.
- Joyce Meyer
You can either be pitiful, or you can be powerful, but you can't be both.
- Joyce Meyer
I like to say that wisdom is choosing to do today what we will be satisfied with tomorrow or later on in life.
- Joyce Meyer
I like to say, "Nothing good happens accidently." You can catch disease, but you cannot catch health.
- Joyce Meyer
The discipline of making the right choice no matter how one feels is the road to a successful life.
- Joyce Meyer
Every good and right decision that we make helps overturn the results of the bad ones.
- Joyce Meyer
You do not have to stay in a bad situation. You get to make a choice, and that choice is 100% yours.
- Joyce Meyer
Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit—you choose.
- Joyce Meyer
had a situation that would be classified as a "trouble"? We have many examples in the Bible of how He handled such situations, and in each case, He made the choice to trust His Father in Heaven.
- Joyce Meyer
People need freedom.
- Joyce Meyer
At this moment, each one of us is as close to God's throne of grace as we choose to be.
- Joyce Meyer